Resources & Facilities
Veterinary Medical Library

Veterinary Medical Library is one of the 6 branch libraries manned by the Library of the Peradeniya University. It offers lending and reference facilities in all subjects related to BVSc programme. It provides approximately 100 seating capacity and carries a collection of approximately 5000 volumes of text books and wide spectrum of other forms of print material. In addition, the VML provides facilities for the use of electronic information, both World Wide Web-based and computer-based learning material including a collection of educational videos and CDs.
Senior Assistant Librarian: Mrs. Sureni Weerasinghe BSc(Hon)(Mathematics special)( M.L.S.(Colombo)
Opening Hours: 7.30a.m to 6 p.m on weekdays / 7.30 a.m to 4.00 p.m on Saturday
The aim of the Library Network is to add value to all library and information provision requirements for customers of the University of Peradeniya, and assist in actualizing the mission of the University of Peradeniya.
The present Library Network has evolved into a multi-disciplinary information resource network since its modest beginning in 1921. Apart from the Main Library, which is located in the tallest building in the Faculty of Arts complex, there are five Branch Libraries, namely Agriculture, Engineering, Medical, Science and Veterinary. Medical, inter-linking resources to assist the academia, researchers and student universe. Approximately 800,000 resource items are held in the Network including monographs, periodicals, dissertations, UN publications, and non-print materials. It is the biggest academic library resource collection in Sri Lanka and considered one of the richest in South Asia.
The Main Library focuses on the users of the Arts Faculty, and is the main depository in the fields of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences. Its Ceylon Collection (33, 387 items) is identified as the finest in the land. The following are some of the library's noteworthy collections.
- Legal Deposit Collection: Items Published in Sri Lanka since 1952 received under the Printers and Publications Ordinance of 1885 (Approximately 300 000 items)
- Special Collections: Collections acquired from individuals (15, 612 items)
- Palm-Leaf Collection (Approximately 5, 000 items - the second largest collection in Sri Lanka.)
- Microfilm Collection (approximately 17, 000 items on Sri Lanka)
- Map Collection (Largest historical map collection in Sri Lanka)
- Bound Periodical Collection (7, 000 titles)
Offers from The Main Library
- Lending Services
- Current Periodical Reading Services
- Overnight Borrowing Services
- Inter-Library Loan Services
- Referral Services
- Online Services (approximately 7,000 journal titles in Sciences and Social Science)
- Online Public Access Catalogue Services (approximately 400,000 bibliographic records)
During 2014 the Library Network plans to focus on:
- Fully automating the operations of the Science and Veterinary Medical Libraries
- Opening the first Research Division in Social Science and Humanities in the Academic Network
- Initiating Reference and Education Information Services
- Expanding the online current journal services
Sports & Recreation

The university caters to a wide variety of indoor and outdoor sports activities. Peradeniya University has one of the largest swimming pool and gymnasiums in Sri Lanka, which has facilities for indoor games like basketball, table tennis, badminton, netball and other sports activities such as weight-training, wrestling, etc. This complex has changing and washroom facilities, and can accommodate over one thousand spectators.
Facilities for outdoor games and sports are provided at the main sports grounds. This complex includes several tennis courts, a volleyball court, a running track, a ground for field events, a hockey ground, and cricket, soccer, and rugby grounds. Most of these facilities at the grounds and the gymnasium are occasionally used by schools, clubs and sports associations in the area.
Trained coaches are available for students who take part in both indoor and outdoor sports activities. In addition, students also obtain advice from senior and experienced players.
There is a range of recreational activities available to students. The university's Open Air Theatre (amphitheatre) named at the Prof. Ediriweera Sarachchandra (Sarachchandra open Air theater) is the first and the largest of its kind in the country. Popularly known as the wala (pit), an Annual Drama Festival is held in it. This is one of the main cultural events of not only the university, but also of the neighboring community. In addition to this, there is a well-equipped indoor theatre, the E.O.E Pereira Theatre at the Faculty of Engineering. Dramas, cultural events, and music shows are often held in this theatre.
Movies are screened regularly at the Arts Theatre, which is the main auditorium of the Faculty of Arts. This has a seating capacity for over 600 persons. The Student Center Complex is a popular meeting place for students. It has a small stage and meeting area which serves as an informal meeting place as well as a space for staging plays, etc.
Sports & Recreation
Computer Unit of the Faculty offers services of 40 workstations for veterinary undergraduates. The unit is manned by a computer programmer and Technical Officer. While the unit is providing access to students to use the facility for information search, computer-aided learning material, and inter-net facilities, the technical staff of the unit also provides training for students in the application of computer software packages for academic purposes.
Seven number of Free Wifi hotspots are available in the five Departments, Library and the Administative Building.
Student Common Room

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science has a Students’ common room with many facilities for the daily use of Students. It is also the venue for many of the students’ social gatherings.
Location - First Floor, Canteen Building
Opening Hours - 7.00 am to 7. 00 pm
Canteen and Cafetaria

University students can buy food at special rates within the University premises. Special rates apply to rice and curry and other food items prepared in university canteens. These prices are approximately 50% lower than the consumer prices in Sri Lanka. Each faculty and hall of residence has one or more canteens which cater to the needs of students. Commodities are available at the two university co-operative shops which are conveniently located on the Campus. These cater to the general needs of the entire University community. Dairy products, meat and vegetables are available at special prices at the sales outlet of the Department of Animal Husbandry which is located opposite the Faculty of Veterinary Science. Students can also purchase variety of food items and day to day requirements from places such as "Hela Bojun" food stall located in front of the Faculty of Agriculture, Super Markets, Shopping complexes and sales outlets situated in close proximity to the University premises. The town of Peradeniya (1 km away) and the city of Kandy (5 km away) are the main shopping centers.
University Medical and Health Services
The University Health Service provides medical care to the university community of students, staff and the immediate family members of staff. The Health Centre, which has facilities for in-patient treatment, is open for Out Patient Services from 8:00 AM to 12:00 Noon and from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM on working days, and from 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM during weekends. An emergency service supported by two ambulances is available during all hours.
Students and members of the staff are required to register at the Health Centre by paying a small registration fee before seeking treatment. Patients who need specialized treatment are referred to consultant specialists of the Teaching Hospital at Peradeniya, the Kandy General Hospital, and the Peradeniya University Dental School. If necessary, the Health Centre's ambulances transport patients to these hospitals. Medical examinations of students and of new recruits to the staff are done at the Health Centre.
Among other services provided by the Health Centre are preventive health services, health education, and environmental health, which include the monitoring of water and food supplies to the university.
Other Facilities
The University has a small post office located in the premises of the Faculty of Arts. This office provides basic postal and telegraphic services between 8:00 AM. and 4:00 PM during week days. The delivery of mail to the university, however, is undertaken by the Peradeniya Main Post Office on old Galaha Road. Residential students can receive their mail at their halls of residence. Mail is delivered from Monday to Saturday around 7:00 AM.
The two state owned banks, Bank of Ceylon and Peoples' Bank, have branches in the university. Both are housed in the ground floor of the Senate Building, adjoining the Faculty of Arts. Bank of Ceylon also has an ATM facility located in the premises.
The Student Centre houses a bookshop, a cooperative sales outlet, and a hair dressing salon. Most grocery items are available in this cooperative sales outlet. There is a bigger cooperative shop with a wider variety of grocery and food items located in the eastern end of the campus on the way to Rajawatte. Many canteens in the halls of residence have items such as toiletry, stationery, tea, and milk powder.
The University internal telephone system provides telephone services to all offices. The intercom is a free service, but it cannot access lines outside the university. There are pay telephones, either coin or card operated, located in many places in the university.