Counselling & Mentoring

Counselling & Mentoring

Emotional and psychological problems disturb the learning process and can affect the overall performance of students. The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science offers a student counselling service to help students who have problems related to academic, social and personal matters. The faculty has appointed three senior student counsellors and any student of the faculty may approach them if they want someone to listen to their problems/difficulties. If a student needs long term professional counselling or special medical treatment he/she would be directed/guided to qualified counsellors and/or medical doctors in the University health center or Peradeniya teaching hospital. As and when necessary student counsellors may talk to the parents to educate them who are unsure about how to help their children facing problems at university.
The objective of student counselling is to promote a healthy faculty environment and enhance student learning thereby minimizing the negative consequences of the problems faced by students such as individual suffering, absenteeism and high dropout rates.

How to contact/meet Student Counsellors:

You can contact student counsellors directly over the phone (through their personal mobile phone numbers given below) at any time of the day. To give the students an opportunity to meet student counsellors on an individual basis, they will be available (on a rotation) at the student counsellors’ room located at the first floor of the administrative building/ FVMAS on every Thursday from 12.15-12.45 p.m.

Special Notice

  • Visit Counselling and Psychological Support Unit, UoP
  • Student counsellors' room has been reserved for an official purpose during the period from 2nd March-5th March 2020. Therefore student councellors will not be available in the counsellors' room on 05th March 2020 from 12.15-12.45 pm. Students who wish to meet counsellors can meet them in their office rooms (on appointment).

    Deputy Proctor – Year 2025

    Dr. H.E.L.De Seram
    Dept. of Farm Animal Production & Health
    Email :
    Phone - 0777829364

    Senior Student Counsellors – Year 2025

    Dept. of Basic Veterinary Science
    Email :
    Phone - 0718038954
    Dr.N.M.T. Anupama
    Dept. of Veterinary Pathobiology
    Dr. Dhammika Perera
    Dept. of Farm Animal Production & Health
    Email :

    Dr.M.H. Hathurusinghe
    Dept. of Public Health & Pharmacology
    Email :
    Phone - 0712907646
    Dr.H.M.H.S. Ariyarathne
    Dept. of Veterinary Clinical Science
    Email :
    Phone - 0702341517

    Counseling Session

    A counseling session was conducted for the first year students (batch 2017/2018) from 10 am – 12 noon on 24th January 2020 at the biochemistry lecture room of the Department of Veterinary Basic Sciences. Mrs. Selani Abeykoon, a professional counsellor attached to the Ministry of Social Empowerment and Welfare participated as the resource person.

    • Main focus of the session was to help students learn how to build empathy. Empathy is a key part of being a responsible and helpful community member at the lecture room, faculty and the university.
    • The event was very successful and the students actively took part in the discussion. In the feedback session, students requested similar programmes for them as well as for the other batches of students.