Dr. G.D.R.K.Perera
BVSc(Peradeniya),M.Phil(Peradeniya), Ph.D (Advance Reproductive Biotechnologies)
Senior Lecturer in Farm Animal Medicine, Surgery and Reproduction
Fellow of Sri Lanka Collage for Veterinary Surgeons
Department of Veterinary Farm Animal Production and Health ,
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine & Animal Science,
University of Peradeniya,
Phone:+94812395933/ +94 714 787258
/ +94 767 787258
Email: gdrkperera@gmail.com
- National Research Council (NRC) merit award for international research publications - (2017).
- National Research Council (NRC) merit award for international research publications - (2015).
- Perumal Pillai award for the best paper in 60th volume of Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal- (2013).
- Dr.Hector C. Perera Memorial award for the best paper in clinical communication at 64th scientific sessions of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association -(2012).
- Air Commodore Dr. R.M.P.A. Dassanayake award for the best presentation in the animal production and wildlife session at 60thscientific sessions of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association (2009).
- Dr. & Mrs. Mohomad Award for the best presentation in animal health session at 60thscientific sessions of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association-(2009).
- Award for the best presentation in the reproduction session at 59thscientific sessions of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association-(2008).
- Award for the best research presentation at 59th scientific sessions of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association-(2007).
- Best national research-(animal reproduction) 2nd runner up at National livestock award ceremony in 2007(conducted by ministry of Agriculture and livestock).
- Establishment of embryo production and transfer technology, embryo splitting technology with demi embryo transfer technology and live embryo freezing technology in Sri Lanka.
- Applications of Advance reproductive biotechnologies. (Ovum pick up, In vitro and in vivo fertilization, Superovulation, Embryo Transfer, Embryo Splitting, Demi embryo Transfer and Embryo Freezing, Intracytoplasmic sperm injection, Animal Cloning, Different techniques of Semen preservation and artificial inseminations)
- Cell culture technologies and application of those technologies for conservation of genetics.
- Effects of Heavy metals and trace elements in drinking water for unknown Etiological Chronic Kidney disease in Sri Lanka.
- Alternative medicines for different pathological conditions in livestock species.
- Backyard poultry in Sri Lanka.
Year | Awarding Body | Project title and value | Position |
2019-2020 | University of Peradeniya | “Validation of fix time techniques for Conventional Artificial Insemination (CAI) and Trans Abdominal Laparoscopic Artificial Insemination (TALAI) in sheep, under Sri Lankan condition.” | Chief Grantee |
2018-2021 | World Bank, AHEAD/ ICE Project | “Innovation Commercialization Enhancement Grant of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, University of Peradeniya. ” , | Collaborator |
2018-2020 | IAEA | “Improving Livelihoods Through Dairy Cattle Production: Women Farmers’ Empowerment; ” , | Collaborator |
2019 | One Health Poultry Hub; GCRF UK. | “Global Challenges Research- Poultry ” , | Researcher |
- 1. W.M.N.T.Jayathilake, H.T.S.I.Madushanka, W.M.T.D. Rathnakumara, Y. Prashanth, K. Nizanantha, G.D.R.K.Perera*, P.A.B.D.Alexander. Effect of environmental heat stress on pregnancy rate of imported dairy cattle, Proceedings of KDU- iRC 12th International Research Conference, General Sir John Kothalawala Defence University, Sri Lanka, (in press) (2019)
- H.M.S Wasana, G. D. R. K Perera, P. S. De Gunawardena, P. S. Fernando and J. Bandara WHO water quality standards Vs Synergic effect(s) of fluoride, heavy metals and hardness in drinking water on kidney tissues Nature - Scientific Reports.1-6, (Nature publisher’s journal)(2017).
- H.M.S. Wasana, G.D.R.K Perera, P.D.S. Gunawardena and J. Bandara “Cumulative effects of chronic synergistic exposure to multiple elements on kidney with special emphasis on chronic kidney disease of unknown etiology (CKDu)”. International Chemistry Conference for Young Scientists, Belgium, (2016).
- Wasana,H.M.S, Perera, G. D. R. K, Gunawardena, P. S, Bandara J. The impact of aluminum, fluoride, and aluminum–fluoride complexes in drinking water on chronic kidney disease." Environmental Science and Pollution Research: Vol 22, Iss 14, pp 11001-11009. DOI 10.1007/s11356-015-4324-y,(2015).
- H.M.S. Wasana, G.D.R.K Perea, P.D.S. Gunawardena and J. Bandara Chronic Kidney disease of uncertain aetiology (CKDu)” in Sri Lanka; are Aluminofluoride complexes(AlFx) the likely cause? International Symposium on Water Quality And Human Health: Challenges Ahead,18pp,(2014).
- Perera G.D.R.K, Pushpakumara P.G.A, Silva L.N.A.de and Basil Alexander. Establishment of embryo freezing and transfer technology for goats in Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, vol 60(i)13-17pp.(2013) .
- Perera G.D.R.K, Pushpakumara P.G.A, Silva L.N.A.de, Perera B.M.A.O. and P.A.B.D. Alexander. Establishment of multiple ovulation and embryo transfer (MOET) technology for goats in Sri Lanka, In; N.E.Odongo, M. Garcia, and G.J.Viljoen (eds), Sustainable Improvement of Animal Production and Health, Joint FAO/IAEA Programme, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation, Rome , pp 215-218. (2010). ISBN No; 978-92-5-106697-3
- Perera G.D.R.K, Pushpakumara P.G.A, Silva L.N.A.de, Basil Alexander. Production of genetically superior goats through embryo transfer technology in Sri Lanka. In; K.S.Hemachandra (ed), Tropical agricultural research, Post Graduate Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. Vol 20, pp 177-184. (2008).
- Perera G.D.R.K, Pushpakumara P.G.A, Silva L.N.A.de and Basil Alexander. Establishment of multiple ovulation and embryo transfer (MOET) technology for goats in Sri Lanka, IAEA FAO International Symposium on Sustainable Improvement of Animal Production and Health, Vienna, Austria, 154-155, (2009)
- Perera G.D.R.K, Pushpakumara P.G.A, Silva L.N.A.de and Basil Alexander. Establishment of embryo freezing and transfer technology for goats in Sri Lanka, pp 103, Proceeedings part I, International symposium on sustainable agriculture for prosperity, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka(2010)
- Perera G.D.R.K and Basil Alexander, Establishment of embryo splitting technology to multiply goat embryos in Sri Lanka, pp 66-67. Fifth Asian Conference – ‘How small countries can benefit from biotechnology’ Council for agricultural research policy, Kandy, Sri Lanka (2010) .
- Perera G.D.R.K, Pushpakumara P.G.A, Silva L.N.A.de, Basil Alexander. Production of genetically superior goats through embryo transfer technology in Sri Lanka. Post Graduate Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. Vol 20, pp 18. (2008).
- G.I.Nanayakkara, W.W.B. Dilhani and G.D.R.K.Perera. Establishment of a Method to Produce Deep Frozen Semen from Bulls under Field Conditions. 16th International conference on biotechnology in animal reproduction(ICBAR), International Association of Biotechnology in Animal Reproduction- Japan, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka and Sri Lanka Association of Animal Production, Kandy, Sri Lanka, pp27-28 (2011).
- G.W.A.S. Lakmini, U.I.L. Perera, O.S. Perera, G.D.R.K. Perera, N.W.K. Wijesuriya, B.C. Jayawardana, J.K. Vidanarachchi, R. Liyanage. Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) incorporated experimental diets modulate serum lipids and ceacal microflora in Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus), 13th ASEAN Food Conference, Singapore Institute of Food Science & Technology (SIFST), in conjunction with the ASEAN-Committee on Science & Technology (ASEAN-COST) and the Federation of the Institute of Food Science and Technology in ASEAN (FIFSTA), Singapore.(in press)
- D.M.V.S. Premarathne, W.M.T.D. Rathnakumara, G.D.R.K.Perera*, W.M.N.T.Jayathilake, P.A.B.D.Alexander. Comparison of two superovulatory protocols for embryo collection in goats. The Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 71st Annual Convention and Scientific Session of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, 95 (2019).
- W.M.N.T.Jayathilake, G.D.R.K.Perera*, K. Nizanantha, L.N.A.de. Silva, P.A.B.D.Alexander, P.G.A.Pushpakumara, Phenotypic Characterization of Sri Lankan Ponies in Central province. The Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 71st Annual Convention and Scientific Session of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, 65 (2019).
- G.G.T. Nisansala, W.M.N.K. Jayathilake, M.A. Salgadu, H.R.N. Jinadasa and G.D.R.K. Perera* A preliminary survey of bacterial flora in external ear canal of race horses in Sri Lanka. The Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 70th Annual Convention and Scientific Session of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, Vol 63,35(2018) .
- W. M. N. K. Jayathilake, G.D.R.K Perera, H.R.N. Jinadasa. Survey of Bacterial Flora in the Nasal Cavity of Horses in an Upcountry Stable. The Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 69th Annual Convention and Scientific Session of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, Vol 62, 87 (2017.
- A.M.P. Abeysinghe, G.D.R.K Perera, M.P.K.Sanjeewa, P.G.A. Pushpakumara, L.N.A.de Silva, D.R.T.G.Ratnayake and B. Alexander .Effect of estrus synchronization method on conception rate of goats. The Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 64th Annual Convention and Scientific Session of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, Vol 57, 28,(2012)
- Umanga C. Gunasekara, J.L.C.S.Perera, C.Dushyanthan, A.M.P. Abeysinghe, G.D.R.K Perera, A.A.A.W.K.Amarasinghe, P.G.A. Pushpakumara and L.N.A.de Silva. An outbreak of acute typhlocolitis in group of thoroughbred horses in single stable. The Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 64th Annual Convention and Scientific Session of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, Vol 57, 21,(2012)
- N. Yazeewan, A.M.P. Abeysinghe, A.A.A.W.K.Amarasinghe, G.D.R.K Perera, P.G.A. Pushpakumara and L.N.A.de Silva. Use of a Simple Rope Harness in the Correction and Prevention of Vaginal Prolapse in Cows. The Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 63rd Annual Convention and Scientific Session of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, Vol 56, 45, (2011)
- G.I.Nanayakkara, W.W.B. Dilhani and G.D.R.K.Perera. Establishment of a Method to Produce Deep Frozen Semen from Bulls in Field Situations. The Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 63rd Annual Convention and Scientific Session of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, Vol 56, 45, (2011)
- Disnaka K.G.J.S, G.D.R.K.Perera, K.A.G. Pathmasiri, S.C.Kaduwela, Chandrawansa Pathiraja, R.M.B. Ellagala and Basil Alexander. Birth of the First Female Calf through Sexed-Semen Technology in Sri Lanka. The Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 63rd Annual Convention and Scientific Session of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, Vol 56, 45, (2011).
- A.A.A.W.K.Amarasinghe, I. Gunaratnam, G.D.R.K. Perera and P.G.A. Pushpakumara, An alternative treatment approach for gangrenous mastitis in dairy goats: A case report The Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 61st Annual Convention and Scientific Session of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, Vol 56, 14, (2010)
- Perera G.D.R.K, Gunaratnam I, Amarasinghe A.A.A.W.K, Gabadage K.P, Pushpakumara P.G.A, Silva L.N.A.de, Thiakawardhana T, and Alexander B. Establishment of a Method for Splitting and Transfer of Goat Embryos in Sri Lanka. The Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 61st Annual Convention and Scientific Session of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, Vol 56, 31, (2009)
- A.A.A.W.K.Amarasinghe, I. Gunaratnam, G.D.R.K. Perera and P.G.A. Pushpakumara, An alternative treatment approach for gangrenous mastitis in dairy goats: A case report, Proceeding of the Peradeniya University Research Sessions, Sri Lanka , Vol 14, pp 54-55, (2009)
- Nishani K.B.M, Herath B.H.M.D, Disnaka K.G.J.S, Perera G.D.R.K, Dissanayaka D.R.A, Silva L.N.A.de and Pushpakumara P.G.A, Prepartum Intra-Mammary Infution (IMI) in Heifers of Up-country Dairy Farms. The Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 61st Annual Convention and Scientific Session of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, Vol 56, 09, (2009)
- Disnaka K.G.J.S, Amarasinghe A.A.A.W.K, Perera G.D.R.K, Kaduwela S.C, Pathiraja C and Basil Alexander. Comparision of Weight Gains of Cattle Offspring Produced through Embryo Transfer and Artificial Insemination. The Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 61st Annual Convention and Scientific Session of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, Vol 56, 14, (2009)
- Perera R.A.A.P, Gabadage K.P, Perera G.D.R.K, Gunaratnam I, Malalasekara S.S.P, Silva L.N.A.de, Pushpakumara P.G.A and Alexander P.A.B.D. Study on Home Range of Endangered and Endemic Southern Purple- Faced Langer (Trachypithecus vetulus vetulus) in Weheragala Hill, Payagala Sri Lanka. The Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 61st Annual Convention and Scientific Session of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, Vol 56, 21, (2009)
- Sureshkumar A, Perera G.D.R.K, Herath B.H.M.D, Gunaratnam I, Thalpearachchi T.A.D.N. and Pushpakumara P.G.A. Relationship between Plasma Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I and Fertility in Dairy Cows. The Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 61st Annual Convention and Scientific Session of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, Vol 56, 29, (2009)
- Gunaratnam I, Neelawathura N.W.C.J.B, Aruna Amarasinghe, Perera G.D.R.K, Gabadage K.P, Malalasekara S.S.P, and Silva L.N.A.de. Successful Treatment of Ocular Nematodiasis in a Horse with Ivermectin. The Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 61st Annual Convention and Scientific Session of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, Vol 56, 45, (2009)
- Perera G.D.R.K, Pushpakumara P.G.A, Silva L.N.A.de, Basil Alexander. Production of genetically superior goats through embryo transfer technology in Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka journal of animal production, Faculty of agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Vol 04, pp 93-94, (2008)
- Pathiraja C, Kaduwela S.C, Perera D.V.H, Weerasekara N.B, Munaweera A.C.H, Madurusinghe J, Samarawickrama H.W.T.M, Disnaka K.G.J.S., Karunarathna W.M, Nimalsiri N.G, Witharana W.P.J, Padmasiri K.A.G, Jayawardana D.U, Adhikari A.M.P.A, Gunarathne S, Dharmarathna D.B.W., Perera G.D.R.K, Pushpakumara P.G.A, Silva L.N.A.de, Shane Ashworth, Mathew Barber, Herath H.M.S.P. and Alexander B., Progress of cattle embryo transfer in Sri Lanka: a pilot project achieves high success rates, The Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 60th Annual Convention and Scientific Session of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, Vol 55, 02, (2008)
- K.G.J.S. Disnaka, S.C.Kaduwela, G.D.R.K. Perera, L.N.A.de Silva, P.A.B.D. Alexander, P.G.A Pushpakumara. Reproductive performances of large Friesian cattle farm in up country, Sri Lanka, The Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 60th Annual Convention and Scientific Session of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, Vol 55, 03, (2008)
- S.S.P.Malalasekara, G.D.R.K. Perera, I. Gunaratnam, M. Somarathne, K.H.D.T.Kasagala, J.M.K.G.K.Jayasundara, S.P.Gunarathna, D.H.A.Subasinghe, P.A.B.D. Alexander, P.G.A Pushpakumara and L.N.A.de Silva, Acase report: Porcine parvo viral infection in the Veternary teaching farm, The Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 60th Annual Convention and Scientific Session of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, Vol 55, 10, (2008)
- Gunaratnam, G.D.R.K. Perera, K.G.S.K Senarathna, N.W.C.J.B Neelawathura, K. Abirami, S.S.P.Malalasekara, P.A.B.D. Alexander, P.G.A Pushpakumara and L.N.A.de Silva, Case summary of urolithiasis in male goats presented to the Veterinary teaching hospital during 2007, The Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 60th Annual Convention and Scientific Session of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, Vol 55, 11, (2008)
- K.G.S.K Senarathna, N.W.C.J.B Neelawathura, G.D.R.K. Perera, K. Abirami, , I. Gunaratnam and L.N.A.de Silva, Treatment of a sarcoid in a poney with cryosurgery, The Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 60th Annual Convention and Scientific Session of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, Vol 55, 12, (2008)
- R.A.N.C.Rjapaksha, N.R. Wellaaili, G.D.R.K. Perera and Basil Alexander, Priliminary results on semen evaluation and preservation in tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) The Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 60th Annual Convention and Scientific Session of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, Vol 55, 17, (2008)
- Perera G.D.R.K, Disnaka K.G.J.S, Meegahakotuwa M.G.D.S.B, Pushpakumara P.G.A, Silva L.N.A.de, King W.A, Alexander B., ‘Peradeniya Kumari’(PK-1): A landmark of animal breeding strategies in Sri Lanka, The Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 59th Annual Convention and Scientific Session of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, Vol 54, 01, (2007)
- Pathiraja C, Kaduwela S.C, Perera D.V.H, Weerasekara N.B, Munaweera A.C.H, Madurusinghe J, Samarawickrama H.W.T.M, Karunarathna W.M, Nimalsiri N.G, Witharana W.P.J, Padmasiri K.A.G, Jayawardana D.U, Adhikari A.M.P.A, Gunarathne S, Nanayakkara I, Perera G.D.R.K, Pushpakumara P.G.A, Silva L.N.A.de, Shane Ashworth, Mathew Barber, Alexander B., Embryo transfer in cattle: A report of a pilot study in the coconut-triangle in Sri Lanka, The Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 59th Annual Convention and Scientific Session of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, Vol 54, 03, (2007
- Seneviratne P.G, Herath H.M.S.P, Perera G.D.R.K, Pushpakumara P.G.A, Alexander B.Application of different hormonal treatment protocols to overcome infertility in artificially bred cattle, The Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 59th Annual Convention and Scientific Session of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, Vol 54, 05, (2007)
- Neelawathura N.W.C.J.B, Senarathna K.G.S.K, Abirami K, Perera G.D.R.K, Kottawaththa K.S.A, Kalupahana R.S, Pushpakumara P.G.A, Alexander B. A combination of parenteral antibiotic and intra-uterine enrofloxacin to overcome pyometra in cattle and buffaloes, The Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 59th Annual Convention and Scientific Session of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, Vol 54, 13, (2007)
- Senarathna K.G.S.K, Abirami K, Neelawathura N.W.C.J.B, Perera G.D.R.K, Gunwardana S.E.S, Silva L.N.A.de, Gangrenous mastitis in a goat: a case study, The Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 59th Annual Convention and Scientific Session of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, Vol 54, 28, (2007)
- Perera G.D.R.K, Meegahakotuwa M.G.D.S.B, Abeygunawardene W.W, Jayapani V.P.P, Herath H.M.S.P, Seneviratne P.G., Pushpakumara P.G.A, Silva L.N.A.de, King W.A, Alexander B. Establishment of a procedure for cryobanking of semen from indigenous cattle in Sri Lanka, The Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 58th Annual Convention and Scientific Session of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, Vol 53, 32, (2006)
- Perera G.D.R.K, Meegahakotuwa M.G.D.S.B, Herath H.M.S.P, Seneviratne P.G., Pushpakumara P.G.A, Chandrasiri A.D.N, Silva L.N.A.de, King W.A, Alexander B. Embryo production and transfer in goats and cattle in Sri Lanka: A preliminary investigation, The Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 58th Annual Convention and Scientific Session of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, Vol 53, 36, (2006)
- Perera G.D.R.K, Meegahakotuwa M.G.D.S.B, Pushpakumara P.G.A, Silva L.N.A.de, King W.A, Alexander B. Cryobanking of spermatozoa from a barking deer (Muntiacus muntiacus): An initiative to conserve germplasm of wildlife in Sri Lanka,Proceeding of the Peradeniya University Research Sessions, Sri Lanka , Vol 11, 58, (2006)
- Deepani M.L.A.N.R, Perera G.D.R.K, Meegahakotuwa M.G.D.S.B, Pushpakumara P.G.A, Silva L.N.A.de, King W.A, Alexander B. Cryopreservation of somatic cells for chromosomal studies in cattle and horse, Proceeding of the Peradeniya University Research Sessions, Sri Lanka , Vol 11, 56, (2006)
- Meegahakotuwa M.G.D.S.B, Perera G.D.R.K, Deepani M.L.A.N.R, Pushpakumara P.G.A, Silva L.N.A.de, King W.A, Alexander B, In-vitro production of goat embryos, Proceeding of the Peradeniya University Research Sessions, Sri Lanka , Vol 11, 57, (2006)
- Disnaka K.G.J.S, Perera G.D.R.K, Wickremasinghe I.N.A, Pushpakumara P.G.A, Silva L.N.A.de, Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) and ventricular septal defect (VSD) in a young friesian calf, The Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 58th Annual Convention and Scientific Session of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, Vol 53, 14, (2006)
- Rabel R.A.C, WijesingheU.I.K.B, Perera G.D.R.K, Silva L.N.A.De, Colostomy, as a means of faecal diversion in a calf with colo-rectal atresia, The Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 57th Annual Convention and Scientific Session of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, Vol 52, 09, (2005)