Dr.H.E.L. De Seram
BVSc (Peradeniya),MSc(Saskatchewan, Canada),PhD (Saskatchewan, Canada)
Senior Lecturer
Department of Farm Animal Production and Health ,
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine & Animal Science,
University of Peradeniya,
Phone: mobile:+94777829364
- University Graduate Scholarship, University of Saskatchewan – 2017 to 2020
- Graduate Student Poster Competition (3rd place), 65th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Veterinary Parasitology – 2020
- Graduate Student Poster Competition (1st place), Graduate Student Poster Day, Western College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Saskatchewan – 2020
- Graduate Student Travel Award, University of Saskatchewan – 2019
- Graduate Students Travel Award, 27th International Conference of the World Association of the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology – 2019
- Graduate Student Travel Award, Western College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Saskatchewan – 2018 and 2019
- Young Investigators Travel Grant, 63rd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Veterinary Parasitology – 2018
- Graduate Teaching Fellowship, Office of the Associate Dean of Research, Western College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Saskatchewan 2017
- Fellowship from Western College of Veterinary Medicine’s Graduate Education Enhancement Fund – 2017
- Graduate Student Travel Award, Canadian Society of Animal Science – 2016
- Miriam Green Ellis Travel Award, Department of Animal and Poultry Science, University of Saskatchewan – 2016
- Award of Graduate Research Fellowship, University of Saskatchewan – 2015
- Animal and Poultry Science Scholarship, Department of Animal and Poultry Science, University of Saskatchewan – 2015
- Ruminant production, Farm Animal Medicine
- Dairy production and health, Dairy nutrition, Veterinary epidemiology, parasites and their drug resistance
- De Seram, EL., Redman, EM., Wills, FK. de Queiroz, C., Campbell, JR., Waldner, CL., Parker, SE., Avramenko, RW., Gilleard, JS., Uehlinger, FD. (2022). Regional heterogeneity and unexpectedly high abundance of Cooperia punctata in beef cattle at a northern latitude revealed by ITS-2 rDNA nemabiome metabarcoding. Parasites Vectors 15, 17.
- De Seram, EL., Campbel, JR., Pollock, CM., Ekanayake, S., Gesy, K., Gilleard, JS., Penner, GB., Uehlinger, FD. (2022). Effects of naturally-acquired gastrointestinal nematode infection on bovine viral diarrhea virus vaccine-directed antibody response in western Canadian feedlot cattle. Can. Vet. J. accepted on September 15, 2022; manuscript ID 2022-0038.R1).
- De Seram, EL., Penner, GB., Mutsvangwa, T. (2019). Nitrogen utilization, whole-body urea-nitrogen kinetics, omasal nutrient flow, and production performance in dairy cows fed lactose as a partial replacement for barley starch. J. Dairy Sci. Journal of Dairy Science 102, 6088–6108.
- Senevirathne, AN., De Seram, E., Pushpakumara, A. (2022). Prevalence of hock lesions and their association with some potential risk factors in an upcountry dairy farm in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of 74th Annual Scientific Sessions, Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, Amaya Hills, Kandy, SL, October 21, 2022, page 8
- Senaarachchi, R., Hasanjana, Y., De Seram, E., Nizanantha, K., Pushpakumara, A., Karunaratne ND. (2022). Effects of graded levels of dietary sugarcane derived polyphenol on growth performance of broiler chickens. Proceedings of 74th Annual Scientific Sessions, Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, Amaya Hills, Kandy, SL, October 21, 2022, page 32.
- Sahana, A., De Seram, E., Amarathunga, SP., Nizanantha, K. (2022). Design and construction of a low-cost electronic weighing scale for the livestock industry in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of 74th Annual Scientific Sessions, Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, Amaya Hills, Kandy, SL, October 21, 2022, page 34
- Kularatna, B., Perera, U., Vidura, G., Jayawardana, K., De Seram, E., Pushpakumara A., Perera, D. (2021). Intestinal phytobezoar in a goat; A case report. Proceedings of 73rd Annual Scientific Sessions, Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, Kandy, Sri Lanka (virtual sessions), Oak ray regency hotel, Kandy, SL, Oct 22-23, 2021, page 44
- De Seram, E., Redman, E., de Queiroz, C., Campbell, J., Gilleard, J., Uehlinger, F. (2020). Gastrointestinal nematode fecal egg shedding intensity, prevalence, and predominant species in western Canadian cow-calf operations. Proceedings of American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists, 65th Annual Meeting, Virtual meeting, Jul 20-23, 2020, page 118
- De Seram, E., Redman, E., de Queiroz, C., Campbell, J., Pollock, C., Gilleard, J., Ekanayake, S., Uehlinger, F. (2019). Exploring the species diversity of gastrointestinal nematodes in western Canadian beef cattle. Proceedings of the 52nd annual conference of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, Sep 12-14, 2019, Volume 52, Issue 2, page 374.
- De Seram, E., Penner, G., Gilleard, J., Campbell, J., Redman, E., Pollock, C., Ekanayake, S., Uehlinger, F. (2019). Effects of anthelmintic treatment, production performance, carcass quality, and predominant nematode species in feedlot cattle from western Canada. Proceedings of the 52nd annual conference of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, Sep 12-14, 2019, Volume 52, issue 2, page 374.
- Gilleard, J., Avramenko, R., Redman, E., De Seram, E., Lewis, R., Uehlinger, F. (2019). Illustrating the application of next-generation amplicon sequencing to investigate anthelmintic drug resistance in North American beef cattle. Joint COMBAR – ACSRPC Meeting, Het Pand, Ghent, Belgium, Aug 27-29, 2019,Abstract book page 18.
- De Seram, E., Redman, E., de Queiroz, C., Gilleard, J., Campbell, J., Pollock, C., Ekanayake, S., Uehlinger, F. (2018). Ivermectin-resistant Cooperia oncophora in feedlot cattle from western Canada. Proceedings of the 27th conference of the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, Jul 7-11, 2019, Abstract book page 273.
- De Seram, E., Gilleard, J., Campbell, J., de Queiroz, C., Ekanayake, S., Pollock, C., Uehlinger, F. (2018). Proceedings of American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists, 63rd Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, USA, Jul 14-18, 2018, page 94
- De Seram, E., Campbell, J., Gilleard, J., Pollock, C., Ekanayake, S., Gesy, K., Uehlinger, F. (2018). Impact of gastrointestinal nematode infection on vaccine antibody response against bovine viral diarrhea virus in feedlot cattle. Proceedings of American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists, 63rd Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, USA, Jul 14-18, 2018, page 118
- De Seram, E., Penner, G., Mutsvangwa, T. (2017). Milk Production and Nitrogen Utilization in Dairy Cows Fed Lactose as a Partial Replacement for Barley Starch. Proceedings of Western Canadian Dairy Seminar, Advances in Dairy Technology (2017), Volume 29, Abstracts, Page 390.
- De Seram, E, Penner, G, Mutsvangwa, T. (2016). The Effects of Partial Replacement of Barley Starch with Lactose on Production and Ruminal Fermentation Characteristics in Dairy Cows. Journal of Animal Science, Volume 94, issue suppl_5. page 230.