Dr.R. M. S. Bimalka Kumari Ranasinghe
BVSc(Peradeniya),MSc(Peradeniya),PhD(Yamaguchi University, Japan)
Senior Lecturer
Department of Basic Veterinary Science,
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine & Animal Science,
University of Peradeniya,
Phone:+094 0812395813/+094 718502032
Email: bimalka58@yahoo.com
- Postpartum reproduction of dairy cattle and buffaloes
- Single Nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis of bovine
- fertility genes Bovine mastitis
R.M.S.B.K. Ranasinghe, T. Nakao, K. Yamada, K. Koike, A. Hayashi and C. M. B. Dematawewa. (2011): Characteristics of prolonged luteal phase identified by milk progesterone concentrations and its effects on reproductive performance in Holstein cows. J. Dairy Sci. 94(1):116-127.
R.M.S.B.K. Ranasinghe, T. Nakao, K. Yamada, K. Koike. (2010): Silent Ovulation, based on walking activity and milk progesterone concentration in Holstein cows housed in a free-stall barn. Theriogenology 73(7);942 – 949.
R.M.S.B.K. Ranasinghe, T. Nakao, A. Kobayashi. (2009): Incidence of error in oestrus detection based on secondary oestrus signs in a 24 h tie-stalled dairy herd with low fertility. Reprod. Dom. Anim. 44;643–646.
Ranasinghe R.M.S.B.K, Deshapriya R.M.C, Abeygunawardana D.I, Kumara U.M.A.P and Samarakoon S.M.C.L (2015) Subclinical Mastitis in Dairy Cows in Kurunegala District: Prevalence, Associated Risk Factors and Effect on Reproductive Performance (short communication), The Japanese Journal of Veterinary Research (J.J.V.R), Volume 63, pp 66
D.I. Abeygunawardana, R.M.S.B.K. Ranasinghe, and R.M.C. Deshapriya (2017) Hygienic practices and quality of raw milk produced in a small scale dairy farming area in Sri Lanka, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 7(7), 72-77.
M.N.F. Nuska, S.N.T. De Silva, R.M.S.B.K. Ranasinghe and R.M.C. Deshapriya. (2016) Optimization of a Multiplex PCR protocol for detection of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus in Bovine Subclinical Mastitis in Sri Lanka. Proc. of the 15th Agricultural Research Symposium, Faculty of Agriculture and Plantation Management, Wayamba university of Sri Lanka, 28th-29th June, 179-183.
Muhammad Yusuf, Toshihiko Nakao, R.M.S Bimalka Kumari Ranasinghe, Gokarna Gautam, Su Thanh Long, Chikako Yoshida, Kana Koike, Aki Hayashi. (2010): Reproductive performance of repeat breeders in dairy herds. Theriogenolgy 73(9);1220-1229.
T.C. Nguyen, T. Nakao, G. gautam, L.T. Su, R.M.S.B.K. Ranasinghe,M. Yusuf. (2011) Relationship between somatic cell count and post-partum ovarian activity and fertility in dairy cows. Acta. Vet. Hung. 59(3):349-362.
Yusuf M, Nakao T, Yoshida C, Long S.T, Gautam G, Ranasinghe R.B, Koike K, Hayashi A. (2011): Days in Milk at First AI in Dairy Cows; Its Effect on Subsequent Reproductive Performance and Some Factors Influencing It. J. Reprod. Dev. 57(5);643-639.
G. Gautam, T Nakao, K. Koike, S.T. Long, M Yusuf, R.M.S.B.K. Ranasinghe, A. Hayashi. (2010): Spontaneous recovery or persistence of postpartum endometritis and risk factors for its persistence in Holstein cows. Theriogenology 73(2);168-179.
Deshapriya, R. Rahularaj and R.M.S.B.K. Ransinghe. (2019): Mastitis, somatic cell count and milk quality: An overview. S. L. Vet. J. 66 (1): 1-12.
R. Rahularaj, R. M. C. Deshapriya and R.M S. B. K. Ranasinghe. (2019): Influence of bovine sub-clinical mastitis and associated risk factors on calving interval in a population of crossbred lactating cows in Sri Lanka. Trop. Anim. Health. Prod. 51:2413-2419.