Prof. Basil Alexander
BVSc(Peradeniya),M.Phil (Animal Reproduction),Ph.D (Reproductive Biotechnology), University of Guelph, Canada
Professor in Veterinary Reproduction and Reproductive Biotechnology
Department of Farm Animal Production & Health,
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine & Animal Science,
University of Peradeniya,
Phone:+94 812395936 / +94 773782141
Email: basilalex66@gmail.com
- Prestigious Author for the Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology, USA in 2010 on the basis of full text views and number of downloads of the article.
- Accelerate Ontario award from MITACS for research, Ontario, Canada, 2009.
- Presidents Award for Research work published in 2010.
- Best scientific paper in 63rd SLVA sessions in 2011.
- Best scientific paper in the 66th SLVA sessions in 2014.
- Outstanding oral presentation in International Conference of Biotechnology in Animal Reproduction (ICBAR), August 2011.
- Hector C. Perera Award for the outstanding clinical communication in the SLVA sessions in 1999.
- Research Supervisor Award has been awarded by the National Science Foundation for being the supervisor of the MPhil degree titled "Morphological and Molecular Variations of Oreochromis niloticus and its hybrids present in selected reservoirs in Sri Lanka" of Ms. S.P. Samaradivakara.
- Canadian Commonwealth Scholarship Program Award, 2001-2004.
- Veterinary Reproduction
Veterinary Reproduction and Reproductive Biotechnology
- Embryo production and transfer in cattle
- Estrus synchronization in cattle
- Artificial insemination
- Endangered animal conservation using somatic cell nuclear transfer
- IAEA project approved for 2016/2017 cycle 'Improving livelihoods through dairy cattle production, women farmers; empowerment in rural Sri Lanka," approved budget US $ 400,000 for 4 years, Chief grantees, Dr. Basil Alexander and Dr. Sampath Lokugallappaththi, Project # SLR 2014004.
- Chief grantee for the project of IAEA/RCA project on Integrated Approach for Improving Livestock Production using Indigenous Resources and Conserving the Environment (RAS/5/044), US$ 4000.00.
- Co-grantee for the project FAO/TCP/SRI/3204 on Training of veterinary surgeons and technicians in the NWP and CP on dairy cattle and buffalo improvement through reproductive health management, Fund agency FAO. Amount US$ 20,000.
- Co-grantee for the IAEA technical Cooperation Program, funded by the IAEA for Fellowship and scientific training programs conducted for the foreign participants in Cattle Reproduction and Breeding, Amount US$ 8000.00
- Principal investigator for the project "Characterization and conservation of domestic farm animal species in Sri Lanka through the application of Assisted Reproductive Technologies", October 2005, awarded by SLCARP. Rs. 8.6 million.
- Principal investigator for the 2 years project on "Validation of sexed-semen technology to produce 98% female calves for commercial dairy farmers in Sri Lanka" awarded by SLCARP. Rs. 1.2 million, awarded by SLCARP.
- Principal investigator for the project of "Occurrence of 1/29 Robertsonian chromosomal translocation in breeding bulls in Sri Lanka". Rs. 1.0644 million, awarded on January 2007 by SLCARP.
- Principal investigator for the 2 year project on "Production of genetically superior goat breed for the dry zone of Sri Lanka through surgical intra-uterine insemination", Rs.350,000/-, awarded by CARP.
- Principal investigator for the project of "Production of genetically superior calves for farmers using ultrasound guided ovum pick-up and in vitro fertilization techniques" Rs. 1,450,000.00, awarded by the University of Peradeniya.
- Collaborative investigator for the project of "Study on prevalence and associated factors of bovine tuberculosis in the Central Province of Sri Lanka". Rs. 350,000.00, awarded by the University of Peradeniya. ,
Position | MPhil. / PhD. | completed |
supervisor | MPhil. | 3 |
Supervisor | MVSc. | 3 |
Co-Supervisor | MVSc. | 3 |
Completed supervisions:
- G.D.R.K. Perera, Studies on assisted reproductive technologies in goats; embryo production, splitting, freezing and transfer, M.Phil., FVMAS, University of Peradeniya, 2012, Advisor - Dr. P.A.B.D. Alexander, Co. Advisors - Dr. P.G.A. Pushpakumara, Dr. L.N.A. de Silva.
- S.P. Samaradivakara, Morphological and molecular variations of Oreochromis niloticus and its hybrids in Sri Lanka, FVMAS, University of Peradeniya, 2012, Supervisors - Dr. N.Y. Hirimuthugoda, Dr. P.A.B.D. Alexander, Dr. R.J. Illeperuma. Dr. N.D. Fernandopulle, Dr. A.D. De Silva.
- A.A.A.W.K. Amarasinghe, Genetic diversity of Sri Lankan wild elephants (Elephas maximus), M.Phil., FVMAS, University of Peradeniya, 2013, Advisor - Dr. P.A.B.D. Alexander, Co. Advisors - Dr. P.G.A. Pushpakumara, Dr. N.K. Jayasekara, Dr. W. Wajjwalku, Dr. Hans Lenstra.
- D.W. A.M.R.G. Doratiyawa, Evaluation of breeding soundness of semen donor bulls generated through embryo transfer, M.V.Sc., November, 2014, Supervisor - Dr. P.A.B.D. Alexander, Co. supervisor - Dr. P.G.A. Pushpakumara.
- W.W. Abeygunawardana, Investigation of semen quality and fertility of donor bulls bread at the central artificial insemination station, M.V.Sc., September, 2012, Supervisor - Prof. B.M.A.O. Perera, Co. supervisor - Dr. P.A.B.D. Alexander.
- J.P.C. Chandana, Investigation of Brucella abortus as a causative organism for the abortions in buffaloes in Buttala veterinary range, M.V.Sc., November, 2014, Supervisor - Dr. P.A.B.D. Alexander, Co. supervisors - Dr. P.G.A. Pushpakumara, Dr. A. Dangolla
- P.G. Seneviratne, Effect of different hormonal treatment protocols to overcome infertility in artificially bred cows. M.Phil, FVMAS, University of Peradeniya, 2014, Supervisor - Dr. P.A.B.D. Alexander, Co. supervisor - Dr. P.G.A. Pushpakumara
- K.K. Sarath, Effect of exogenous gonadotrophins on weaned and artificially inseminated sows, M.V.Sc., November, 2012, Supervisor - Dr. P.A.B.D. Alexander, Co. supervisors - Dr. P.G.A. Pushpakumara, Prof. B.M.A.O. Perera
- K.L.C.D. Perera, Factors associated with retained placenta in dairy cows in small and large farms in Sri Lanka, M.V.Sc., November, 2014, Supervisor - Dr. P.G.A. Pushpakumara, Co. supervisor - Dr. P.A.B.D. Alexander
- Basil Alexander. Nuclear and Microtubular Behavior in Somatic Cell Sheep Embryos Activated with 6-dimethylaminopurine and cycloheximide. S.L.Vet.J. 2015, 62(A): 1-6
- AR. Peter Seaby, Basil Alexander, W. Allan King, Gabriela F. Mastromonaco. In vitro Development of Bison Embryos Using Interspecies Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer. Reprod Domest Anim. 2013 Dec;48 (6):881-7. doi: 10.1111/rda.12180. Epub 2013 May 21.
- S.P. Samaradivakara, N.Y. Hirimuthugoda R.H.A.N.M. Gunawardana, R.J. Illeperuma, N.D. Fernandopulle, A.D. De Silva and P.A.B.D. Alexander. Morphological Variation of Four Tilapia Populations in Selected Reservoirs in Sri Lanka. Tropical Agricultural Research (2012), Vol. 23 (2): 105 – 116.
- Basil Alexander, Gabriela Mastromonaco and W. Allan King. Recent Advances in Reproductive Biotechnologies in Sheep and Goat. Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology, 2010, http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2157- 7579.1000101.
- Alexander B, Coppola G, Mastromonaco GF, John ES, Reyes ER, Betts DH and King WA. Early Pregnancy Diagnosis by Serum Progesterone and Ultrasound in Sheep Carrying Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer - Derived Pregnancies. Repro Domest Anim 43 (2): 207-211, 2008.
- Alexander B, Coppola G, Di Berardino D, Rho GJ, St John E, Betts DH and King WA. The effect of 6-dimethylaminopurine (6-DMAP) and cycloheximide (CHX) on the development and chromosomal complement of sheep parthenogenetic and nuclear transfer embryos. Mol Repro Dev. 73: (1) 20-30, 2006.
- W. A. King, G. Coppola, B. Alexander, G. Mastromonaco, S. Perrault, M.I. Nino-Soto, A. Pinton, E.M. Joudrey and D. H. Betts. The impact of chromosomal alteration on embryo development. Theriogenology 65: 166-177, 2006.
- G. Coppola, B. G. Jeon, B. Alexander, E. St. John, D. H. Betts and W. A. King. Nuclear and Microtubule dynamics in somatic cell nuclear transfer sheep embryos activated with T-dimethylaminopurine and cycloheximide. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 18 (2): 123 – 124. 2005.
- Alexander B, Coppola G, Perrault S, Peura TT, Betts DH, King WA. Telomere length of sheep clones and their offspring. Mol Reprod Dev 74 (12) : 1525-1537, 2007.
- Bartlewsky P, Alexander B, Rawlings N, Barrett D, King WA. Ovarian responses, hormonal profiles and embryo yields in anoestrus ewes super ovulated with Folltropin-V after pretreatment with medroxyprogesterone acetate (MAP) releasing vaginal sponges and a single dose of estradiol-17β (E2-17β). Reproduction in Domestic Animals (Impact Factor: 1.18). 07/2008; 43(3):299-307. DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0531.2007.00894.
- Yindee, M., Vlamings, B. H., Wajjwalku, W., Techakumphu, M., Lohachit, C.,Sirivaidyapong, S., Thitaram, C., Amarasinghe, A. A. A. W. K., Alexander, P. A. B. D., Colenbrander, A. B. and Lenstra, J. A. (2010) Y-chromosomal variation confirms independent domestications of swamp and river buffalo, Animal Genetics, 41(4): 433-5,
- Amarasinghe AAAWK, Alexander B, Pushpakumara A., Jayasekara N., Perera, O., Wajjwalku, W, Dejchaisri S, Thitaram C., Colenbrander B., Stout., T & Lenstra, J (2010) Genetic diversity among wild elephants in Sri Lanka, based on mitochondrial control region analysis. In EU-Asia Link Project Symposium ‘Health and Reproduction of Asian Elephants’ Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand, pp. 59-62.
- W. Allan King, Gianfranco Coppola, Basil Alexander, Dino DiBerardino. The chromosome make-up of laboratory produced sheep embryos. Proceedings of 14th North American Colloquium on Animal Cytogenetics and Gene Mapping (14th NACACGM), Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, July 3-7, 2005.
- Alexander B, Coppola G, Di Berardino D, Betts DH, King WA. Assessment of chromosome abnormalities in sheep parthenogenetic and nuclear transfer embryos: effect of 6-DMAP and Cycloheximide on ploidy. 31st Annual Conference of the International Embryo Transfer Society, 9-11 January, 2005, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Coppola G, Alexander B, Di Berardino D, St John E, Basrur PK, King WA. The use of cross-species in situ hybridization (ZOO-FISH) to assess chromosome abnormalities in day-6 in vivo and in vitro produced sheep embryos. Chromosome Res. 2007;15(3):399-408. Epub 2007 May 10.
- Coppola G, Jeon BG, Alexander B, St. John E, Betts DH, King WA. Nuclear and microtubule dynamics in somatic cell nuclear transfer sheep embryos activated with 6-dimethylaminopurine and cycloheximide. 32nd Annual Conference of the International Embryo Transfer Society, January 8-10, 2006, Orlando, Florida.
- Coppola G, Alexander B, Di Berardino D, King WA. Use of bovine painting probes for chromosome assessment in sheep embryos. 50th Canadian Fertility and Andrology Society Meeting 24-27 November, 2004 Jasper Alberta.
- King WA, Coppola G, Alexander B, Mastromonaco G, Perrault S, Nino-Soto MI, Pinton A, Joudrey EM, Betts DH. (2006) The impact of chromosomal alteration in development. Theriogenology 65:166-77.
- Alexander B, Abeygunawardena H, Perera BMOA, Abeygunawardena IS. Reproductive performance and factors affecting the success of artificial insemination of cattle in up-country multiplier farms in Sri Lanaka. Tropical Agri Res 10: 356-371, 1998.
- Alexander B, Abeygunawardena H, Perera BMOA, Abeygunawardena IS. Current status and factors affecting the success of artificial insemination in small holder farms in mid-country wet zone of Sri Lanka. Tropical Agri Res 9: 204-216, 1997.
- Perera G.D.R. K, Pushpakumara P.G. A, Silva L.N.A.de, Perera B.M.A.O. and P.A.B.D. Alexander. Establishment of multiple ovulation and embryo transfer (MOET) technology for goats in Sri Lanka, In; N.E.Odongo, M. Garcia, and G.J.Viljoen (eds), Sustainable Improvement of Animal Production and Health, IAEA FAO/Vienna, Austria, pp 215-218. (2010) .
- Perera G.D.R.K, Pushpakumara P.G.A, Silva L.N.A.de, Basil Alexander. Production of genetically superior goats through embryo transfer technology in Sri Lanka. In; K.S.Hemachandra (ed), Tropical agricultural research, Post Graduate Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. Vol 20, pp 177-184. (2008).
- Senanayake, S.S.H.M.M.L., Ranasinghe, J.G.S., Waduge, R., Nizanantha, K. and Alexander, P.A.B.D., 2015. Changes in the serum enzyme levels and liver lesions of broiler birds reared under different management conditions. Tropical Agricultural Research, 26(4)
- K.K. Sarath, Anil Pushpakumara, Basil Alexander. The Effect of Pregnant Mare Serum Gonadotrophin (PMSG) and GnRH Injection on Weaning to Oestrus Interval and Litter size of artificially inseminated Sows (2013). Tropical Agricultural Research, Volume 24, (3), 270-278.
- Perera G.D.R.K, Pushpakumara P.G.A, Silva L.N.A.de and Basil Alexander. Establishment of embryo freezing and transfer technology for goats in Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, Vol 60 (i)13-17pp.(2013).(journal article).
- Perera G.D.R.K, Pushpakumara P.G.A, Silva L.N.A.de, Perera B.M.A.O. and P.A.B.D. Alexander. Establishment of multiple ovulation and embryo transfer (MOET) technology for goats in Sri Lanka, In; N.E.Odongo, M. Garcia, and G.J.Viljoen (eds), Sustainable Improvement of Animal Production and Health, IAEA FAO Vienna, Austria, pp 215-218. (2010)
- Alexander B, Perrault S, Peura T, Betts DH, King WA. Assessment of telomere length in nuclear transfer derived sheep clones, their offspring and control animals. Reprod Fertil Dev 16: 134, 2004 (Abstract).
- Alexander B, Coppola G, Di Berardino D, Betts DH, King WA. Assessment of chromosome abnormalities in sheep parthenogenetic and nuclear transfer embryos: effect of 6-DMAP and CHX on ploidy. Reprod Fertil Dev 17: 163, 2004 (Abstract).
- Alexander B, Rho GJ, Betts DH, King WA. Production of sheep nuclear transfer embryos from roscovitine-treated adult somatic cells. Theriogenology 59: 233, 2002.
- Perera G.D.R.K, Meegahakotuwa M.G.D.S.B, Abeygunawardene W.W, Jayapani V.P.P, Herath H.M.S.P, Seneviratne P.G., Pushpakumara P.G.A, Silva L.N.A.de, King W.A, Alexander B. Establishment of a procedure for cryobanking of semen from indigenous cattle in Sri Lanka, The Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 58th Annual Convention and Scientific Session of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, Vol 53, 32, (2006).
- Perera G.D.R.K, Meegahakotuwa M.G.D.S.B, Herath H.M.S.P, Seneviratne P.G., Pushpakumara P.G.A, Chandrasiri A.D.N, Silva L.N.A.de, King W.A, Alexander B. Embryo production and transfer in goats and cattle in Sri Lanka: A preliminary investigation, The Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 58th Annual Convention and Scientific Session of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, Vol 53, 36, (2006).
- Perera G.D.R.K, Meegahakotuwa M.G.D.S.B, Pushpakumara P.G.A, Silva L.N.A.de, King W.A, Alexander B. Cryobanking of spermatozoa from a barking deer (Muntiacus muntiacus): An initiative to conserve germplasm of wildlife in Sri Lanka,Proceeding of the Peradeniya University Research Sessions, Sri Lanka , Vol 11, 58, (2006)
- Deepani M.L.A.N.R, Perera G.D.R.K, Meegahakotuwa M.G.D.S.B, Pushpakumara P.G.A, Silva L.N.A.de, King W. A, Alexander B. Cryopreservation of somatic cells for chromosomal studies in cattle and horse, Proceeding of the Peradeniya University Research Sessions, Sri Lanka , Vol 11, 56, (2006).
- Meegahakotuwa M.G.D.S.B, Perera G.D.R.K, Deepani M.L.A.N.R, Pushpakumara P.G.A, Silva L.N.A.de, King W.A, Alexander B. In-vitro production of goat embryos, Proceeding of the Peradeniya University Research Sessions, Sri Lanka , Vol 11, 57, (2006).
- Alexander B, Abeygunawardena H, Sivayoganathan B, Abeygunawardena IS. Veterinary interventions to overcome infertility among artificially inseminated cattle in small holdings of the central province of Sri Lanka. In: Proceedings of 49th Annual Scientific Sessions of Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, p5, 1999.
- Alexander B, Perera BMOA, Abeygunawardena H, Jayaruban MG, Senevirathna PG, Liyanagamage AG. Preliminary results on the use of transrectal ultrasonography for early detection of pregnancy in goats. In: Proceedings of 50th Annual Scientific Sessions of Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, p1, 1998.
- Alexander B, Munasinghe M, Gunarajasingm, Abeygunawardena H, Kuruwita V. Characterization of semen of indigenous swamp buffaloes in Sri Lanka. Proc Ann Res Ses. p26, 1994.
- Perera G.D.R.K, Pushpakumara P.G.A, Silva L.N.A.de, Basil Alexander. Production of genetically superior goats through embryo transfer technology in Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka journal of animal production, Faculty of agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Vol 04, pp 93-94, (2008).
- Perera G.D.R.K, Meegahakotuwa M.G.D.S.B, Abeygunawardene W.W, Jayapani V.P.P, Herath H.M.S.P, Seneviratne P.G., Pushpakumara P.G.A, Silva L.N.A.de, King W.A, Alexander B. Establishment of a procedure for cryobanking of semen from indigenous cattle in Sri Lanka, The Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 58th Annual Convention and Scientific Session of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, Vol 53, 32, (2006).
- Perera G.D.R.K, Meegahakotuwa M.G.D.S.B, Herath H.M.S.P, Seneviratne P.G., Pushpakumara P.G.A, Chandrasiri A.D.N, Silva L.N.A.de, King W.A, Alexander B. Embryo production and transfer in goats and cattle in Sri Lanka: A preliminary investigation, The Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 58th Annual Convention and Scientific Session of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, Vol 53, 36, (2006) .
- Perera G.D.R.K, Meegahakotuwa M.G.D.S.B, Pushpakumara P.G.A, Silva L.N.A.de, King W.A, Alexander B. Cryobanking of spermatozoa from a barking deer (Muntiacus muntiacus): An initiative to conserve germplasm of wildlife in Sri Lanka,Proceeding of the Peradeniya University Research Sessions, Sri Lanka , Vol 11, 58, (2006).
- Perera G.D.R.K, Disnaka K.G.J.S, Meegahakotuwa M.G.D.S.B, Pushpakumara P.G.A, Silva L.N.A.de, King W.A, Alexander B. ‘Peradeniya Kumari’(PK-1): A landmark of animal breeding strategies in Sri Lanka, The Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 59th Annual Convention and Scientific Session of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, Vol 54, 01, (2007) .
- Perera G.D.R.K, Gunaratnam I, Amarasinghe A.A.A.W.K, Gabadage K.P, Pushpakumara P.G.A, Silva L.N.A.de, Thiakawardhana T, and Alexander B. Establishment of a Method for Splitting and Transfer of Goat Embryos in Sri Lanka. The Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 61st Annual Convention and Scientific Session of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, Vol 56, 31, (2009).
- Meegahakotuwa M.G.D.S.B, Perera G.D.R.K, Deepani M.L.A.N.R, Pushpakumara P.G.A, Silva L.N.A.de, King W.A,Alexander B, In-vitro production of goat embryos, Proceeding of the Peradeniya University Research Sessions, Sri Lanka , Vol 11, 57, (2006).
- Pathiraja C, Kaduwela S.C, Perera D.V.H, Weerasekara N.B, Munaweera A.C.H, Madurusinghe J, Samarawickrama H.W.T.M, Karunarathna W.M, Nimalsiri N.G, Witharana W.P.J, Padmasiri K.A.G, Jayawardana D.U, Adhikari A.M.P.A, Gunarathne S, Nanayakkara I, Perera G.D.R.K, Pushpakumara P.G.A, Silva L.N.A.de, Shane Ashworth, Mathew Barber, Alexander B., Embryo transfer in cattle: A report of a pilot study in the coconut-triangle in Sri Lanka, The Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 59th Annual Convention and Scientific Session of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, Vol 54, 03, (2007).
- Seneviratne P.G, Herath H.M.S.P, Perera G.D.R.K, Pushpakumara P.G.A, Alexander B.Application of different hormonal treatment protocols to overcome infertility in artificially bred cattle, The Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 59th Annual Convention and Scientific Session of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, Vol 54, 05, (2007).
- Neelawathura N.W.C.J.B, Senarathna K.G.S.K, Abirami K, Perera G.D.R.K, Kottawaththa K.S.A, Kalupahana R.S, Pushpakumara P.G.A, Alexander B. A combination of parenteral antibiotic and intra-uterine enrofloxacin to overcome pyometra in cattle and buffaloes, The Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 59th Annual Convention and Scientific Session of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, Vol 54, 13, (2007).
- Pathiraja C, Kaduwela S.C, Perera D.V.H, Weerasekara N.B, Munaweera A.C.H, Madurusinghe J, Samarawickrama H.W.T.M, Disnaka K.G.J.S., Karunarathna W.M, Nimalsiri N.G, Witharana W.P.J, Padmasiri K.A.G, Jayawardana D.U, Adhikari A.M.P.A, Gunarathne S, Dharmarathna D.B.W., Perera G.D.R.K, Pushpakumara P.G.A, Silva L.N.A.de, Shane Ashworth, Mathew Barber, Herath H.M.S.P. and Alexander B., Progress of cattle embryo transfer in Sri Lanka: a pilot project achieves high success rates, The Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 60th Annual Convention and Scientific Session of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, Vol 55, 02, (2008)
- K.G.J.S. Disnaka, S.C.Kaduwela, G.D.R.K. Perera, L.N.A.de Silva, P.A.B.D. Alexander,P.G.A Pushpakumara. Reproductive performances of large Friesian cattle farm in up country, Sri Lanka, The Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 60th Annual Convention and Scientific Session of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, Vol 55, 03, (2008)
- S.S.P.Malalasekara, G.D.R.K. Perera, I. Gunaratnam, M. Somarathne, K.H.D.T.Kasagala, J.M.K.G.K.Jayasundara, S.P.Gunarathna, D.H.A.Subasinghe, P.A.B.D. Alexander, P.G.A Pushpakumara and L.N.A.de Silva, Acase report: Porcine parvo viral infection in the Veternary teaching farm, The Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 60th Annual Convention and Scientific Session of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, Vol 55, 10, (2008)
- Gunaratnam, G.D.R.K. Perera, K.G.S.K Senarathna, N.W.C.J.B Neelawathura, K. Abirami, S.S.P.Malalasekara, P.A.B.D. Alexander, P.G.A Pushpakumara and L.N.A.de Silva, Case summary of urolithiasis in male goats presented to the Veterinary teaching hospital during 2007, The Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 60th Annual Convention and Scientific Session of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, Vol 55, 11, (2008)
- R.A.N.C.Rjapaksha, N.R. Wellapili, G.D.R.K. Perera and Basil Alexander, Priliminary results on semen evaluation and preservation in tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) The Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 60th Annual Convention and Scientific Session of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, Vol 55, 17, (2008)
- Deepani M.L.A.N.R, Perera G.D.R.K, Meegahakotuwa M.G.D.S.B, Pushpakumara P.G.A, Silva L.N.A.de, King W.A, Alexander B. Cryopreservation of somatic cells for chromosomal studies in cattle and horse, Proceeding of the Peradeniya University Research Sessions, Sri Lanka , Vol 11, 56, (2006)
- Disnaka K.G.J.S, Amarasinghe A.A.A.W.K, Perera G.D.R.K, Kaduwela S.C, Pathiraja C and Basil Alexander. Comparision of Weight Gains of Cattle Offspring Produced through Embryo Transfer and Artificial Insemination. The Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 61st Annual Convention and Scientific Session of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, Vol 56, 14, (2009) .
- Perera R.A.A.P, Gabadage K.P, Perera G.D.R.K, Gunaratnam I, Malalasekara S.S.P, Silva L.N.A.de, Pushpakumara P.G.A and Alexander P.A.B.D. Study on Home Range of Endangered and Endemic Southern Purple- Faced Langer (Trachypithecus vetulus vetulus) in Weheragala Hill, Payagala Sri Lanka. The Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 61st Annual Convention and Scientific Session of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, Vol 56, 21, (2009) .
- Disnaka K.G.J.S, G.D.R.K.Perera, K.A.G. Pathmasiri, S.C.Kaduwela, Chandrawansa Pathiraja, R.M.B. Ellagala and Basil Alexander. Birth of the First Female Calf through Sexed-Semen Technology in Sri Lanka. The Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 63rd Annual Convention and Scientific Session of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, Vol 56, 45, (2011).
- Senanayake, S. S. H. M. M. L., Alexander, P. A. B. D. and Ranasinghe, J. G. S. (2014). Investigation of liver damage in broiler chicken using liver-specific serum non-functional enzymes. Proceeding of the Peradeniya University International Research Sessions, Sri Lanka. 18, 229.
- Senanayake, S. S. H. M. M. L., Ranasinghe, J. G. S., Alexander, P. A. B. D., Nizanantha, K. and Waduge, R. (2014). Effect of increased temperature and age on serum lipids and proteins of broiler birds. Proceedings of the One Health International Conference, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. 31.
- Senanayake, S. S. H. M. M. L., Ranasinghe, J. G. S., Nizanantha, K. and Alexander, P. A. B. D. (2014). Serum Creatine kinase and Lactate dehydrogenase profiles in broiler birds with respect to Sudden Death Syndrome. Proceedings of the Postgraduate Institute of Science Research Congress, Sri Lanka. 76.
- Kumara YHPSN, Salgadu MA, Weerasekara DK, Nishananthan K, Ranasinghe KKUS, Pushpakumara PGA, De Silva LNA, Magana-Arachchi DN, Jinadasa RN, Alexender PABD, Amarasinghe AAAWK (2014). A case of bovine tuberculosis in a buffalo herd in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of 66th Annual Convention and Scientific Sessions of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, 2014.
- Kumara YHPSN, Salgadu MA, Nishananthan K, Weerasekara DK, Magana-Arachchi DN, Pushpakumara PGA,De Silva LNA, Alexender PABD, Jinadasa RN, Amarasinghe AAAWK (2014). Detection of bovine tuberculosis in Sri Lanka using molecular techniques. One health international conference, 2014.
- Amarasinghe AAAWK, Kumara YHPSN, Nizanantha K, Pushpakumara PGA, Alexender PABD, De Silva LNA, Kuźmak J (2014). Detection and reporting of bovine tuberculosis and enzootic bovine tuberculosis in dairy herds in Sri Lanka. One health international conference, 2014.
- Kumara YHPSN, Dissanayake DMLSK, Majura M, Sakajamary V, Rathnakumara WMTD, Nizanantha K, Amarasinghe AAAWK, Pushpakumara PGA, De Silva LNA, Alexender PABD (2015).Complications following oral antibiotics of a dairy cow.
- Samal KS, Kumara YHPSN, Nizanantha K, Jayasinghe M, Ariyarathne H, Amarasinghe AAAWK, Dangolla A, Alexender PABD (2015).Pilot study in controlling Reproduction in Toque monkey.
- Amarasinghe AAAWK, Kumara YHPSN, Alexender PABD, De Silva LNA, Kodikara DS (2015). Surgical removal of uncommon cancer (Myxosarcomas) in an African lion.
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